A Letter from the Editor


It is an irrefutable fact of human history that we all come from hunters. Since the dawn of time, human progress has been inextricably linked to the pursuit of prey. As recently as a generation ago, hunting - for food and sport - was considered an entirely normal pursuit. From the poor to the wealthy, hunting was an important part of life.

This is no longer the case.

In the mid 20th Century, population dynamics around the world shifted in favor of urban and suburban concentration, creating a chasm between the realities of Nature and the average human’s existence. As the mass urbanization continued, humankind’s connection to the outdoors evaporated at an alarming rate. In the eyes of many, hunting became a frivolous, unnecessary or even downright deplorable act.

To the irrational but outspoken anti-hunting community, outright murder.

In many ways, we have ourselves to blame. Our relevance in modern society has been polluted by our own actions.

In parallel with this shift away from the land, the hunting media began slowly but surely embracing a kill centric style of storytelling. The writers of the late 19th and early 20th Century like Corbett, Leopold, O’Connor, Selous, Capstick, and Fred Bear left us a legacy of adventure, and passion for the entire pursuit. A love for the deep, rich experience of hunting, not merely the act of killing.

Were these men killers? Without a doubt. But more specifically they were hunters. The way they shared and told their stories showed compassion for our place in Nature, and emphasized respect for the game pursued.

Over the past few decades, this holistic approach to storytelling has become the exception not the rule.

If the privilege to hunt is to survive another generation, if we are to leave a legacy for our children like our forefathers before us, our message must change.

We must tell the kinds of stories that show the world who we are.

We are hunters and yes at times killers. But we are also dedicated conservationists and committed naturalists. Passionate activists for those that cannot speak. We care deeply about the food we bring home to our families and the experiences and lessons the hunt teaches us to pass on to future generations.

We believe that a life lived outdoors is a good life. That protecting wild places and access to wild places for all people and all uses is an obligation not just a responsibility. We believe that if we lose touch with the wilderness in the deeper sense that only hunting affords we will lose touch with the very soul of mankind.

By purchasing this publication, you will be supporting this message. I cannot thank you enough for joining us on the journey to re-define what it means to be a hunter in the 21st Century.

Adam Janke

Editor in Chief